Friday, November 30, 2007 1:29 AM
It's A Bore
Yup. Mine comp is still down. *sadness*
Bro'z comp to blog.
Update since last post.
Saturday! [24 Nov] - Can't remember whether anything happened. Don't think anything spectacular occurred though. Another depressingly boring holiday day. O_O
Sunday! [25 Nov] - Teddy and her Mom [AKA Mimi! =D] asked me to go to Sunway Pyramid with them late last night. So I quickly told GramPapa Leong about it before he went off to sleep and he was like "Huh? Sunway? How you expect to get there?" Bla etc~ normal interrogation stuffs. xD Then I said, "If you want her to fetch me, she can fetch me from here at 11.30" then GramPapa Leong, as usual xD, went all wide-eyed and said "11.30!? I HAVE TO EAT! You know we only usually come back around 2 p.m what~ Ask her fetch you from Mid Valley la, tak boleh meh?" So I was like "Oh.. okay." But then Teddy said she couldn't pick me from MV so, as usual, lil' ol' me went into DILEMMA!-SCREAM-AND-PANIC Mode. =) But! As usual, I just slept on it and couldn't give more a-damn about it after thinking about it for some time. "Leave tomorrow for tomorrow la~ Now is time for sleep." So then I went to church with them as usual, just that this week BroBro Lex Lex wasn't around cos he got shipped off to Dad's place cos Daddy had to send him to the final day of his Toastmasters thingy seeing as GramPapa and Mama Leong weren't available cos they had church! Make sense? =D GOOD! So then before church, GramPapa Leong suddenly said, "Ehh , girl~" Then I gave him the usual I-just-woke-up-and-still-kinda-sleepy "Aah?" xD Then he inquired, "How's your transport aah? What did Ah Kar Mun say?" Then I was like O_O 'Uh-oh' "Errr.." Then he said, "Tell you what, why not we go to Sunway la this week, I'll bring you there. Me and Grandma haven't been there for more than 10 years. It'd be nice to go there and see how much it's changed. Okay? Tell Kar Mun no need to fetch you already." Then I was like 'WOOHOO! YAY GRAMPAPA LEONG!' =D *superbigsmile* "THANKSSS GRAMPAAAA!!" *skipped off joyfully into church* xD So after church, we had lunch then drove all the way there, Teddy was late. Walked around with GrandPapa and Mama Leong till she arrived at like. 1 +? xD So then Secret Recipe! =D CHOCHOLATE INDULGENCE! =D OMG I. LOVE. IT.! =D hahaz~ so blaaa,our ORIGINAL INTENTION was to go for more dress-hunting. But you know GIRLS laa, we like shopping okay~ So we got side-tracked while looking for the dress shop that we both saw earlier before we met up and ended up walking around Sunway Pyramid. xP earrings. accesories. shoes. clothes. in and out of stores. and finally we went into the Voir Gallery! =D Looked around and didn't see anything interesting or eye-catching enough. Then we went in deeper and found that there were two more seperate stores in the Voir Gallery. One was this weirdo old place called "South China Sea" or something like that. It sold Chinese clothes for the.. umm.. older people. =D So then next to it was this store called Gene & Hue. Never heard of it before~ but went in to have a look anyways. xD Saw some pretty nice stuff so we decided to grab like 3 each and share a changing room. See how considerate we are~ Leaving another changing room for the other Ah Sams and Ah Peks that might wanna use it!? xD Just kiddin' .. It would be more convenient for others and also for ourselves~ so that we can just put them on and ask each other for opinions. =) Girly friendship, so wonderful isn't it? =D Anyways we tried on some.. well, actually.. quite a lot actually xD cos we kept going in and out and getting more and more~ xD and we bought like.. half of it. O_O YAY! xD hahaha~ So then I ended up spending RM 92.50 on two tops and a skirt. @_@ I tell ya, that has officially driven me broke for the rest of November. MAN! =D Am I one lucky ass that November ends like.. later today! =D hahaha~ xD We actually spent like.. more hour in there? As I said, Girly friendship is the best! =D Hahaz~ Then after that, Teddy's parents wanted to balik already. And they had to drop me back again cos my beloved guardians had all gone off to watch my bro'z public speaking competition, WHICH BY THE WAY! HE WON FIRST PLACE! Yeap.. =) That's my bro, alright~ xD I'm proud'a him. =) So Teddy requested to her Dad [AKA Lao Dou!! =D] that I can go for dinner with them so yeah~ we picked up her Bro [AKA umm.. let's just call him Teddy's Bro for now xD] then off to Leisure Mall for dinner! Ate at the Vietnamese place outside Wong Kok, y'know? MANY BIG BIG THANKSS TO TEDDY'S SUPER COOL FAMILY! =D
Monday! [26 Nov] - Shaun and Teddy came over to my place [right now AKA Grampapa and Mama Leong's place] with the ORIGINAL INTENTION of having a group discussion for our dance crew. Our holiday jobs. offers. gigs. the next performance. the music. the group NAME. blaa etc~! =D In the end, AS USUAL LAA~ we just ended up playing me XBox and guess what? =D *drumroll* *cheng cheng cheeeeeng* BAKING COOKIES WITH GRAMMAMA LEONG!! =D It was a fun first-time-baking experience for me! =D Especially since I did it with friends. xD We took turns to do the mixing. sifting. stirring. rolling. sprinkling. blaa etc~ hahaz~ xD It turned out pretty good actually! =D We each baked one tray of cookies each~ So anyways, we did discuss the group name in the end. We decided on one name that we all felt okay with. So from now on, till further notice la haha xD , our dance crew shall be known as..!! *drumroll* *cheng cheng cheeeeeng!!* " SilverFlair " !! =D I know, I know, some of you may be thinking.. "What a total SUCKY DISASTROUS name!! O_O *gasps in disbelief*" But we think it's kinda nice. So yeah~ Enough said. =) Comments are welcome though. If you have any suggestions, also welcome. xP
Mixing the dough [or whatever you call it] thingy.
The dough is ready! xD
Shaun making cookies. xD
Cookies in the making. =P
Teddy's tray of cookies! =D
[She ate some, I think. O_O]
Shaun's tray of cookies! xD
Yes, you may laugh.
They're funny. But cute. xP
My tray of cookies! =)
YAY! hahaz~ xD
Heart. =)
Smiley Face. xD
Star. =P
I hand-made these. =D
Tuesday! [27 Nov] - Nothing happened. Bore bore boooore~ Lalalalalaaaa~ *skips around*
Wednesday! [28 Nov] - Boredom can truly kill.. =.= I'm waiting for a miracle. @_@
Piano keys. O_O
Me ol' piano. =)
Thursday! [29 Nov] - Really.. I am very. very. super. really. bored. There's nothing to do at home. I'm too lazy to read. So yeah~ Nobody seems to be free for me these few days. =( I are very the depressed. Mine miracle no have arrive yet. *tear drops* =''( Back to Ampang place.
Today! [30 Nov] - I'm supposed to go out to MidValley with Jhi Kee and Teddy well erm.. later today.. O_O But right now, as usual, I am in my DILEMMA!-SCREAM-AND-PANIC Mode cos ONCE AGAIN! I am currently stuck with *Cina-Ah Pek-accent* no te-lans-pot. =.= Pray things work out for me ya? =) I really need to go out, despite the fact that I'm broke. But I don't care laa~! *starts screaming and knocking my head in frustration* I just need to get away from the super-boredom-of-being-stuck-at-home-all-day-doing-nothing-like-a- stupid-retarded DUNGU or somethiiing! O_O *prays that I can get transport SOMEHOW!*
It's 2. A.M! Post for now! *skips away in depression*
In the elevator. O_O