Saturday, March 29, 2008 2:01 PM
Busy times
Heyy all~ =P
Sorryy I haven't updated for like, so freakin' long.
I'm feeling complete. Life's been busy for me, but at the same time, it's going just fine. =)
So yeah, since my last post which was like, almost 2 months ago. o_o damn.
Stuff has happened.
If I had to write a summary on it, I would just say.
Boyfriend. Exams. Phantom of the Opera. Dance.That would explain enough, I guess.
First off, boyfriend. I'm pretty sure by now almost everyone already knows who he is. Yeah, he's a really wonderful guy. =3 And so far, we've already been sent to Karim, C.M Lee, and the school part-time counsellor, Ms. Lim. No, not the English Lim YL, the other one. So yeah, who else does the school want us to see? Mrs. Mano? Please laah, use your brains. No matter what you do or say, it won't affect us. You've already banned us from seeing each other after school, and that pissed me off. What else do you want, penisheads? You can't possibly go like, "Oh, you two can't talk to each other anymore." BULLSHIT~ We're in the same class, talking to each other everyday would be inevitable, even IF we weren't together.And you can't just do anything you want to the both of us. If you lay your dirty little pork sausage OH-HALAAAL fingers on me and my man, you're gonna have to do it to every other couple. And surely, you wouldn't want to cause the students to riot against you, riight? =) Please leave us alone, that's all I ask of you. We mean no harm. What damage could being in love possibly do? I'm sure you guys as married adults, would understand the concept of love, right? I trust that you, being teachers and all, would have the brain capacity to know that love at this age is totally natural and harmless.If us focusing on our studies and maintaining our good grades is all that you guys are concerned about, then FINE lah~ OBVIOUSLY from our report cards you can see that being in a relationship doesn't like, deplete our IQ or something. It's not like we'll become total ninis and retards just by having a girlfriend/boyfriend. We're still getting lots of As and doing perfectly fine. We're smart, don't worry, we know what we're doing. =) We actually kinda help to improve each other's grades in a way, FYI. There is such a thing where the relationship doesn't actually have any NEGATIVE EFFECTS on the people involved? Grow up and get with the times, you old farts. The world's changing. Don't stay stuck in your stone age, caveman mentality. That's not the way the younger generation nowadays thinks like.But anyways, I just couldn't be bothered about what other people say about me and him. I love him anyways, and nothing that you people say or do about it will change how I feel. =) It's my life, and I make the decisions. I love you, dear. =3 As you are. No matter what.Second off, Exams. I used the same technique that I use year after year which is I don't study at all. No revision whatsoever UNTIL the night before the exams. And that's when I get up at 3 A.M on exam day to study the subject that's coming out on that day. And I do it for the whole week of exams. And guess what? It works. =D This method is Eli-certified. =) Though, it may not work for some people. Especially if your memory ain't that great? So yeah~ It's not exactly advisable. But it works for me anyways, so YAY ME! =D *does my victory dance*Third off, Phantom of the Opera. We're quite good now, if I do say so myself. But there's still space for improvement and we know it. So yeah~ we'll work on it. We're gonna be running for three days in a row in April, which will only be announced later on. Hope you guys can make it. It's RM 10 for students and RM 20 for adults. =) I'm Annie Sorelli. The retard. xP Come watch me scream and run. =P It's retarded, I tell you. =DLastly, Dance. SilverFlair performed for the opening of the new hall on the 16th of February. I don't think the video's up on Youtube yet. But hopefully, someone who has the video will post it up soon. It's way better than our previous Leisure Mall E.V Roadshow performance. But that's just what I think. And most of you will probably agree with me. We're hoping to get a slot to perform on Teacher's Day. And we'll try to make it even better this time. At least we hope we can, cause Shaun and Lyn're grounded. Shaun, because of his bad results. Lyn.. o_o I have no idea. But I heard her say she is. =( So yeah, that might make it difficult for us to have practise. =/ Anyways, we're still hoping for the best~So yeah~ That's about it. Whatever else that happened is either not that important or I've just forgotten about it. =)
My mum's coming back on April 18th.
REJOICE! =D I miss her. =) Till then, I'm gonna be stuck with
GramPapa and GramMama Leong. o_o
Before I leave,
some random quotes. =)
- I love Miss Fam. =)- Miss Fam's awesome. =D- Eggs are cute. xP- Shaun wore a Speedo! xD- Mark can dance. o_o- Crankalockadoodoo. =O- The school's smart cards can be used as lethal weapons. =X- Let's assasinate Karim. =)
Even hippows can have happily ever afters. =)
Shaun's CNY party - At the playground.
Shaun's CNY party- At the playground xD
Muii Chloe likes the pretty, big calculator. =)
GramPapa and GramMama Leong went on a shopping spree.
For onions and garlics. o_o